Blog Explanation

Too often I observe interesting little quirks in human nature and let them pass me by without comment. This blog is dedicated to the small weirdnesses in all of us, whether we admit it or not; it's the kind of thing you tell your friends with that disbelieving tone because you know they will find it just as strange as you. We all have our eccentricities, now it's time to record them.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Drunk

As I've mentioned in a post before, it's always a bit funnier when someone isn't completely in their right state of mind.  Inevitably, people's reactions to events around them will be considerably different from the reactions they would have in an entirely sober mind.  That being said, I ran into a rather fun woman last night.

The Background
First I have to explain the lead-up to this or it won't make any sense at all.  I had been over at a friend's house whose air conditioning and heater have serious issues and as such I had taken my shirt off while there to try to cool down.  When I left to go home, I simply didn't bother to put it back on.  On the way home, at roughly 11:20pm, I had to stop and get gas.  There happened to be a Redbox at that gas station so I started my pump and walked over to it.

The Event
It was as I was looking through the Redbox that I first noticed her; a woman was walking her dog down the sidewalk towards the gas station.  Bear in mind that it is nearly midnight, so a woman walking her dog alone is far from ordinary already.  As she nears my car, I walk back towards it from the Redbox which was a good twenty or so yards away.  As I got closer she saw me coming out of the darkness so she scrunced up her eyes and looked at me really hard.  She then opened her eyes wide and the first thing she said to me, I quote, "Really, dude? No shirt? You must be drunker than me!" Which of course immediately explained to me every weird thing about her walking her dog in the middle of the night.  We then had a wonderful little conversation about her puppy and how he's sick, and what I had rented from Redbox and that it should be a lot of fun and then we bid each other farewell and I continued home slightly more amused than I had been ten minutes earlier.


  1. I know a lot of people that walk their dogs in the middle of the night, just when it's most convenient and colder out so more comfortable, so it isn't THAT weird. Regardless, this anecdote was very amusing and I appreciate you sharing it with us.

  2. Gas stations usually lead to crazy conversations. The guy at maverick once spent ten minutes telling me about how a coworker had called the cops on him for parking his car one spot to the left. He then took me outside, showed me his car, then mumbled to himself while I laughed nervously. The only reason I was there was to use the Redbox to find a copy of Paranormal Activity 2 at midnight. So maybe it's actually Redbox that equals crazy stuff.

  3. Funny how if she were sober she probably would have not talked to you at all and possibly been a little worried. Just Kidding! Alcohol is liquid courage absolutely and can lead to meeting some interesting people and situations. It's great!
